prp for hair loss



Discover how your own blood can help improve your hairline.

In fact, PRP is nothing new and has been used in medicine for a long time especially in the elite sports sector to treat wounds. It consists of your own blood being centrifuged to separate it into its components of red blood cells and plasma. The plasma contains white blood cells and platelets, which is where the healing abilities reside. It is now also used to treat hair loss and a great non-surgical option.

Can PRP help with male pattern baldness?

It can help to reduce the amount of hair loss and thicken existing hair. The procedure takes about one hour and is quite painless. The “liquid gold”, contains a lot of growth factors and cytokines that help to promote healing. And then it’s injected into the scalp. Do not worry, at Nar London, we do not use painful needles to inject! We use the renowned painless U225 mesogun. It also allows us to reach different areas of the scalp without making you suffer from pain.

With PRP, platelets are about five times more concentrated in PRP than in regular blood and henceforth richer. The concentration of platelets is important. Because platelets secrete growth factors that are thought to assist in wound healing and tissue regrowth.

Can You explain the PRP Procedure?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) for hair loss is a treatment involving taking a small quantity of blood from a patient, separating out the growth factors and other bioactive proteins using a dedicated centrifuge. The enriched plasma is then injected into the scalp areas at the level of the hair follicle. Consequently, the platelets are rich in growth factors and help stimulate the hair follicles and promote new hair regrowth.

The PRP injection goes across the scalp, approximately every cm, over the area of thinning hair. The technique is meticulous and involves minimal discomfort as we use the painless U225 mesogun. Moreover, there is little to no downtime after the PRP treatment and it is totally safe.

At Nar London, Harley Street clinic, we use Swiss Regen Lab tubes and centrifuges for the PRP protocol. Swiss Regen Lab products are of high quality and have one of the highest platelet concentration factor procedures used in London. We have helped thousands of people regrow hair using the PRP technique.

Can Men and Women have PRP Treatments?

Yes, both men and women can have PRP for hair loss. You can have a consultation at Nar London to determine if you’d make a good candidate for the PRP hair loss treatment.

Here is a list of patients who could benefit from PRP treatment:

  • Suitable for female hair loss;
  • Suitable for male hair loss;
  • Anyone with thinning hair;
  • Anyone suffering from excessive hair loss;
  • Patient looking for a natural, non-invasive hair growth treatment;
  • Women who notice hair loss post-pregnancy;
  • Women observing hair change following menopausal period;
  • Patient with androgenic alopecia;
  • Patients who want to strengthen their hair follicles even if no excessive hair loss.

Why do Men have PRP?

The results depend on each individual and can vary from person to person. We cannot promise that this treatment will work for you. There are a number of independent scientific studies advocating for the efficacy of PRP particularly in increasing hair follicles count and hair thickness. This said,  here are some of the benefits of PRP for hair:

  • Slow or stop hair loss;
  • Stimulate dormant and existing follicles;
  • Significantly increase of hair regrowth;
  • Stimulate the production of new healthy cells;
  • Can decrease hair dystrophy;
  • Non-invasive treatment option in Alopecia areata;
  • Fuller and healthier natural-looking hair;
  • Safe and reliable treatment.

How Many PRP Sessions are Needed?

In most cases 3 treatments with four to six weeks apart. However, this depends on the stage of your hair loss. You may be asked to come back to the clinic for a follow-up appointment, which is usually six months after your initial treatment. If the treatment is satisfying enough, you may be given treatments every six months or once a year should you wish to.

Do I need maintenance with PRP hair?

PRP treatment for hair loss when successful will provide long-lasting results. We advise having maintenance sessions every six to twelve months to continue producing positive results. PRP treatment has been shown to encourage hair growth and thicken hair in areas that have been treated. Response to PRP will differ between patients and it is not known exactly how long the benefits will persist.

Is there a risk associated with PRP Treatment?

PRP is one of the safest procedures out there, with almost no side effects. As PRP treatment uses your own blood, there are minimal concerns for safety and no significant side effects have so far been reported. You may experience slight inflammation at the injection site. This being said, we have never experienced any bad reactions with our clients in many years of practicing PRP at Nar London.

How much would PRP UK cost?

PRP hair loss treatment at Nar London Harley Street starts at £475 for one session. This said, we also offer great package prices which will reduce the cost of having several sessions and enhance the possible results.

It can be a great treatment if you experience hair thinning and excessive hair loss but need to act fast. People with hair transplants have PRP to support and reinforce their hair follicles.

Where Can I have PRP Hair in London?

We know that hair loss is a serious issue and that it can be distressing. Therefore, we take our work very seriously and will do our utmost to give you the best advice and to help you with hair loss issues.

Nar  London is located in World famous Harley Street and we will be happy to welcome you.

If interested in knowing more about PRP for hair loss, why not book a consultation (£50 that can be redeemed against the treatment)  and find out if it is a suitable solution for you. Alternatively, book your treatment directly online.