


Another stroke of hairbrush, another handful of strands on the pillow or in the shower, and another visible patch of the scalp.  If you are one of the millions of men or women dealing with androgenetic alopecia –  this scenario probably sounds all too familiar.

Losing excessive hair is more than just physical as it can also be emotionally draining. For instance, one study suggests that 1/3 of women with hair loss experience depression symptoms. Another report shows that hair loss can detrimentally impact self-confidence in men dealing with male-pattern baldness.

Thankfully, there is a natural therapy for hair restoration that may be of interest for males and females looking for an effective treatment. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is an innovative procedure that uses your own blood platelets and growth factors to potentially reverse hair loss and grow new hair follicles.


Advancements in the field of platelet-rich plasma therapy have led to its use as a PRP hair treatment option. This therapy is ideal for sufferers of premature balding and hair loss. PRP for hair restoration purposes can provide natural-looking results, without the need for costly surgical procedures. Some patients do not want to undergo a hair transplant procedure. Others are experiencing the early stages of thinning and hair loss and are looking for a natural, non-invasive treatment.

The hair loss PRP solution contains platelet-rich fibrin and growth factors that naturally stimulate new hair growth. And better yet, the PRP hair treatment is suitable for both men and women.

In fact, PRP hair restoration is a regenerative therapy that stimulates healthy cell growth.  As we age, the quality of hair follicles can diminish, with strands becoming finer and thinner. As a result, aging hair follicles stop producing thick, healthy hair, or eventually, any hair at all.  However, these follicles are still present in the scalp!

At Nar London in Harley Street, our PRP hair restoration is a treatment geared towards regenerating existing hair follicles, allowing them to produce thicker, healthier strands.

PRP: A Natural Hair Restoration Treatment

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is an effective, non-surgical hair restoration treatment for male and female patients experiencing hair loss. As said, PRP hair loss treatments are capable of treating balding and thinning hair by using natural growth factors found in your blood. These factors are at a concentration of at least 3 to 5 times that are found in your native plasma.

PRP therapy can benefit several types of hair loss

Male pattern (androgenetic) alopecia

This is the most common form of alopecia and it affects around 50% of men by the time they reach the age of 50. In male-pattern baldness, the hairline typically recedes and the hair becomes thin.  The terminal hair follicle becomes susceptible to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).  Consequently, this leads to the shortening of the anagen phase and miniaturisation of hair follicles. More than hormonal, the development of male androgenetic alopecia is predominantly hereditary.

PRP treatments have a positive therapeutic effect on male androgenic alopecia without major side effects

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Female pattern hair loss is a progressive condition. Women do not lose all of their hair, as do some men. Instead, there is a diffuse thinning of hair and the part often gets wider. Hair near your temples may recede. Without treatment, some women eventually develop widespread thinning.

PRP has been shown to be clinically effective for FPHL type of hair loss.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a form of auto-immune disease that causes hair loss. In alopecia areata, the immune system attacks the structures in the skin that form hair (hair follicles).

Alopecia areata usually affects the head and face, though hair can be lost from any part of the body.
PRP has been shown to help people with alopecia areata to regrow hair on their scalp.

Telogen effluvium

This is a form of hair loss where more hair than usual falls out, causing the hair to thin in general rather than in patches. In fact, the hair does feel thinner, but complete hair loss is unlikely. Other parts of the body are not generally affected. The condition is temporary and the hair does start to grow back after around six months in most cases. Telogen effluvium (TE) can be caused by the following:

  • Extreme emotional or physical stress
  • Intense physical stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Chronic diseases such as cancer
  • Dietary changes or crash dieting
  • Severe infection
  • Certain medications

In the case of TE,  hair loss is usually temporary but many people want to use PRP to speed up the process.

How does PRP work?

Though often associated with aging and genetics, hair loss can happen any time throughout adulthood. Balding occurs when the hair follicles, the small sacs that anchor individual hairs to the scalp, begin to shrink, allowing the hair to fall out.

The full procedure takes less than 30 minutes. PRP (platelet-rich plasma) for hair loss is a treatment involving taking a small quantity of blood from a patient, separating out the growth factors and other bioactive proteins using a dedicated centrifuge. The “golden liquid” is then injected into the scalp areas at the level of the hair follicle. Consequently, the platelets are rich in growth factors and help stimulate the hair follicles and promote new hair regrowth.

The PRP injection goes across the scalp, approximately every cm, over the area of thinning hair. The technique is meticulous and involves minimal discomfort as we use the painless U225 Mesogun. The procedure uses your own blood, and risks are minimal. Although highly unlikely, risks can include bleeding, hematoma, infection, and nerve damage. Patients who take anticoagulants and those with an active scalp infection, chronic liver disease, or a low platelet count should not have PRP.

Typically, patients will return once a month for three months for another injection, then once every three to six months thereafter.

Is PRP effective for hair loss?

PRP therapy works, and clinical research supports its efficacy in reversing thinning hair and promoting new hair growth. The studies indicate that the high concentration of platelets in the PRP plasma works in several ways to achieve this success.

One way PRP therapy helps restore your hair is by prolonging the growing phase of your hair cycle. This helps you keep your existing hair longer. In addition, PRP plasma contains growth factors that stimulate new hair follicles. This helps new hair to grow in areas of thinning hair.

Although PRP therapy is extremely effective at reversing thinning hair and boosting your hair restoration results, it doesn’t work overnight. Because it stimulates your natural hair growth and works with your hair cycle, it can take two to three months for you to see noticeable results.

Results after PRP for Hair Restoration

As PRP is an outpatient procedure, there is no surgery involved and downtime is minimal. The innovative treatment produces results that are reliable and natural. The procedure can produce great results as a stand-alone treatment, but can also be recommended in conjunction with other hair loss techniques such as Mesotherapy. In addition, there is no quick fix with hair loss and it is important to note that results can be slow and gradual. Generally, results will begin to show after the first two or three months and will be most noticeable around the six-month mark.

Who is a Candidate for PRP?

Hair loss can occur in both men and women, and this procedure is designed with that in mind. PRP is equally effective as a way to counteract female pattern baldness as it is for our male patients. The best candidates for a PRP treatment are patients who have slight to moderate hair loss, who want to take charge and regain confidence in their look. In general good candidates are:

  • Suitable for female hair loss;
  • Suitable for male hair loss;
  • Anyone with thinning hair;
  • Anyone suffering from excessive hair loss;
  • Patient looking for a natural, non-invasive hair growth treatment;
  • Women who notice hair loss post-pregnancy;
  • Women observing hair change following menopausal period;
  • Patient with androgenic alopecia;
  • Patients who want to strengthen their hair follicles even if no excessive hair loss.

At Nar London, we offer a free initial consultation to help you identify if you are a good candidate for PRP treatment.

What can PRP achieve?

The results can vary from person to person. We cannot promise that this treatment will work for you. This said, we and many studies have observed the following benefits of PRP for hair:

  • Slow or stop hair loss;
  • Stimulate dormant and existing follicles;
  • Significantly increase of hair regrowth;
  • Stimulate the production of new healthy cells;
  • Can decrease hair dystrophy;
  • Non-invasive treatment option in Alopecia areata;
  • Fuller and healthier natural-looking hair;
  • Safe and reliable treatment.

How Many PRP for Hair Loss Sessions do I need?

It depends on the individual and on the stage of your hair loss, age, hormones, and other factors.

Usually, we recommend a course of 3 to 6 injections, administered on a monthly basis for optimal results. We also recommend a maintenance treatment every six months or once a year.

PRP Therapy Risks and Side Effects

A PRP injection is a low-risk procedure and does not usually cause major side effects. Indeed, PRP has been used on hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide and no major adverse reactions have been reported.

The procedure involves a blood draw, so you should make sure you are hydrated and have eaten beforehand to prevent feeling lightheaded. After the procedure, you may experience some soreness and slight bruises at the injection site.

Moreover, PRP injections are made up of your own cells and plasma, the risk of an allergic reaction is very low.

Is PRP therapy the right treatment for me?

Because PRP therapy is considered a safe treatment, most people experiencing hair loss are eligible for PRP therapy. This said it is important to seek advice from a hair restoration expert, before starting any hair treatment, because many factors go into choosing the best treatment for your needs.

For example, if you have certain underlying medical conditions, like lupus, thyroid disease, a bleeding disorder, or skin cancer, PRP therapy may not work as effectively for you. However, for the great majority of people, PRP is a suitable and effective treatment for hair loss. This is due to the benefits of a high concentration of platelets in plasma vs normal blood. The platelet-rich plasma contains growth factors (such as TGF-beta, PDGF-AB, bFGF, IGF, VEGF, and EGF) and bioactive proteins (globulin, albumin, fibrinogen), nutrients, vitamins, hormones as well as electrolytes. All of that helps accelerate tissue repair and regeneration.

Losing excessive hair can be very distressing and can have an impact on your confidence. Thankfully, PRP hair loss treatment can be effective and potentially a good option. Learn more about Platelet-Rich Plasma treatment for hair loss and hair thinning issues.

Do you want to know how PRP therapy can help you? Then, we offer a free hair loss consultation at Nar London, Harley Street.

PRP Hair Loss Results

PRP is one of the best non-invasive treatments for both women and men suffering from excessive hair loss. There are a number of independent scientific studies advocating for the efficacy of PRP particularly in increasing hair follicles count and hair thickness. Our clients are often amazed when they see before and after pictures as the results are visible.

Additionally, PRP can be used in conjunction with other treatments such as Mesotherapy. Furthermore, PRP is often used after a hair transplant to enhance the success of the procedure.

Any risks associated with PRP for hair loss?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) for hair loss is totally safe as we use your own body growth factors (autologous product). Hence, there is no risk of infectious diseases transmission or other infections. Moreover, as PRP is prepared using your own blood, adverse reactions are very rare. The only thing you might experience is very slight bruising, redness, and/or swelling. There is no downtime after this treatment.

PRP for Hair Loss Contraindications

PRP for Hair Loss may not be effective if you suffer from thyroid disease or lupus, as these conditions will continue to cause hair loss. If you are on blood thinners, your platelets won’t work as efficiently. PRP promotes hair growth when follicles are present. People with extreme hair loss or non-existing follicles are generally not candidates for PRP hair treatments.

Before PRP treatment for hair loss?

We ask patients are not to wash their hair or scalp for 24 hours following treatment.

Moreover, we suggest following a healthy diet and not smoking as long as you can/should as this affects the quality of your plasma.

What is the cost of PRP for hair loss?

1 session £450

3 session £1250

6 session £2200

PRP can also be combined with mesotherapy to enhance the results.

Free hair loss consultation in London?

​Yes, at Nar London, Harley Street, we offer one initial free hair consultation should you wish to have one.

PRP hair treatment near me?

We are based in World famous Harley Street, London, UK. If you are based in London or can travel to central London then book a treatment or a hair consultation (50 GBP that can be redeemed against the treatment).

If you’re suffering from excessive hair loss, do not despair and be confused by all the potential causes. At Nar London, we help women and men with hair loss to identify the root cause and find the right treatment plan.

PRP hair treatment London, UK

Nar London Clinic offers non-invasive treatments such as Platelet-Rich Plasma (N-PRP) or Platelet-Rich Fibrin (i-PRF) and also we can work on a tailored protocol that supports your overall health.